TefGel Available at Riggtech: Preventing Galling and Corrosion

17 November 2023


Protect your fastenings, fittings, and electrical connectors with TefGel. Available at Riggtech, prevent galling and corrosion. Call us at (02) 9997 2382.

When maintaining the integrity of your equipment, especially in marine and outdoor environments, galling and corrosion are persistent challenges. These issues not only reduce equipment lifespan but can also pose safety risks and financial burdens. Fortunately, there’s a reliable solution that we, at Riggtech, can offer to prevent these things from happening. This solution is known as TefGel.

Issues with Galling and Corrosion

But before knowing about TefGel, you must first know the issues involved with galling and corrosion.

Galling, also known as cold welding, occurs when two metal surfaces rub against each other, leading to material transfer, seizing, and damage. This issue is prevalent in applications where metal parts under extreme pressure or friction like threaded fasteners, bolts, and joints come into contact.

Corrosion, alternatively, is the gradual deterioration of metal due to chemical reactions with environmental elements like moisture, oxygen, and pollutants. This process weakens structures, reduces performance, and can be particularly detrimental in marine settings.

The Primary Attributes of TefGel

TefGel is a specially formulated compound designed to combat galling and corrosion effectively. It is a white, extremely high-viscosity gel that can be applied to fastenings, fittings, and electrical connectors in highly corrosive environments. Its main purpose is to ensure the protection, serviceability, and presentation of assembled hardware.

This product has been designed to stop corrosion between dissimilar metals, prevent the galling of stainless steel, provide a lubricating element, and protect electrical connectors from corrosion. It can be safely used in marine and other settings as it is non-toxic and non-harmful. It is also non-reactive and chemically stable. TefGel is likewise expected to work without changing viscosity despite being exposed to temperatures of -60° to 280°C. More importantly, it has an indefinite shelf and working life.

Investing in TefGel from Riggtech

TefGel is truly a remarkable product. However, its effectiveness can only be attained if you source it from a reputable supplier. We, at Riggtech, are your best source of this product as we can provide the following key advantages.

• Expertise: We specialise in marine solutions and understand the unique requirements of the industry. We can also provide valuable insights and guidance on the optimal use of TefGel in your specific application.

• Quality Assurance: Riggtech likewise ensures that the TefGel we supply meets the highest quality standards. You can trust that you are getting a reliable and effective product.

• Competitive Pricing: Riggtech offers competitive pricing for TefGel and other products, ensuring you receive top-quality protection without breaking the bank.

• Customer Support: Riggtech is dedicated to customer satisfaction. We provide excellent customer support and are readily available to answer your questions or assist with your order.

TefGel is a game-changer in the battle against galling and corrosion, providing long-lasting protection for your equipment and components. When it comes to sourcing this exceptional product, we, at Riggtech, stand out as a trusted supplier that prioritises quality, expertise, and customer satisfaction. You can buy TefGel from our Riggtech online store.

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