Problems with Sails – Understanding the Most Common yet Preventable Problems

24 August 2021

Owning a yacht can be a challenging, yet extremely rewarding experience. There is no better feeling than turning the engine off, setting the sails to navigate to remote and exotic destinations. Feeling the cool breeze in your hair, the warm sun on your face and the sound of nothing but rolling waves.

Before you can truly experience the luxury or trouble-free sailing, it is important to check the condition of the sails and all associated components involved in controlling and operating the sails. Here are some of the most common problems with sails that you should check before setting your sails.

Chafing Issues

Sails are designed to allow the sailboat to move flawlessly. However, as they operate for a long time, some areas might be rub against rigging or deck parts, which can then cause chafing, rubbing, and straining issues along the way. It is important to identify and fix these problems early, otherwise small problems can quickly turn into large and expensive fixes. Professional sail makers can make some adjustments to the sail components so that they can obtain much longer life.

Sun Exposure

The parts used to make sails are intended to withstand weather elements. However, the sun can still manage to affect the quality of the sails due to its ultraviolet (UV) rays. Without any necessary precautions, some of your sail parts can obtain damages and deteriorate very quickly. Installing a piece of sacrificial fabric on the edge of your sail can be done if the roller furling system is on the headstay. This piece of fabric can help absorb the damages that the UV rays often provide, as long as the sail is rolled properly.

Mould Growth

Another common problem with sails is the growth of mould and mildew. These elements often thrive in places that have high moisture content, numerous pollens, and air pollution. Without cleaning the surfaces of your sails regularly, the mould and mildew can build up, grow, and spread in just a short time. As they spread further, they can easily ruin the appearance of your sail parts. To avoid the formation of these elements, you must make sure the sails are dried first before storing them. They must likewise be stored away from damp locations.

If you want to know more about these common sail problems, you can call us at Riggtech.

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